2YO in Training -
Fasig Tipton Midlantic Sale

The Fasig Tipton Midlantic 2yo in Training Sale offers up plenty of value for potential owners. It’s often overlooked because of the increasing popularity of the Ocala sales in March/April. LBB will be in attendance, with our trainer Randy Morse, to find a modest, hard-trying runner to compete in Kentucky in the fall.
The Game Plan
We will be leveraging Randy’s 30+ years of experience, plus special reports from the breeze show to help identify a prospect that falls within our budget of $30-40K.
Will ship to Kentucky with Randy for preparation to race in the fall (September target).
LBB has lots more details to share, including more information on what we're looking for and how all partners will be very involved in the process.
Partnership Opportunities: Fully-detailed pricing plans have been developed and are ready for distribution. Each plan includes auction price, FIVE months of training fees, and a 7.5% LBBS management fee.
Gold Partner - $5,750 for 10% ownership, and will be a key decision-maker.
Silver Partner - $3,000 for 5% ownership, and will have full transparency in racing decisions and frequent weekly communication.
Bronze Partner - $1,650 for 2.5% ownership, and all of the same benefits as our Silver partners.
If you don't see a price point that works for you, please let us know so that we can try to accommodate if we're able to.